Forma Skin & Tissue Remodeling
Laser therapies are becoming more and more well known for their transformative abilities, some with visible results on the same day. Forma will not only stimulate collagen production, but lift and tighten your skin so you can find that stunning glow you once had.
Let there be light. Laser skin therapies have changed everything we know about restoring and maintaining a youthful appearance in the last 10 years. We offer only the latest and greatest cutting-edge technologies available. We proudly operate Inmode Optimas laser technologies, which provide professional-grade aesthetic procedures. More specifically, Forma's radio-frequency capabilities for skin remodeling, which serve to stimulate deep collagen growth, which lifts and tightens skin - with same day results at times. Our team undergoes hours rigorous training to provide arguably the best Forma Skin Remodeling in New York City.
Here is a checklist to see if you are a good candidate for our restorative laser therapies:
- You have sagging skin, especially on the lower portion of the face or jowls.
- You seek to remedy age-related textural changes.
- You are lacking the facial definition and structure you used to have.
- You would like to improve your overall skin health, not just the outer appearance.
Forma Skin & Tissue Remodeling
Known in the industry as a "non-invasive facelift," it's no wonder that the hottest names in Hollywood turn to Forma to look fabulous at any angle. Forma fans include those especially known for their flawless selfies - who might you ask? Keep reading. It's not just a flash in the pan either. Forma's unique technology has also been featured on Dr. Oz & Extra.
Forma is a skin remodeling technology providing that uses heat and radiofrequency to boost collagen production - thus lifting, tightening, and contouring your skin. Put simply, a heated wand is massaged on the desired area which makes it feel as though it's being "ironed." Upon completion of your session, most report that your skin is visibly brighter, your jawline, more defined, and that your face appears to indeed be "lifted." Below are just a few names of celebrities that love Forma.
Join the A-List
- Kim Kardashian
- Kourtney Kardashian
- Chrissy Teigen
- Shay Mitchell
- Amber Rose
- Vanessa Simmons
- Emma Roberts
Radio-frequency travels via electrodes to deliver a non-invasive and pain-free treatment. Forma uses radiofrequency energy with a thermal temperature sensor to heat skin in real-time to treat and improve skin and tissue to a more youthful appearance. Forma effectively treats the forehead, upper and lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, jowls and neck.
What Sets Forma Apart:
Forma is great for everyone. It provides an immediate result, as well as a more drastic one after a series of treatments. This type of treatment is perfect for those who want to age on their own terms, but avoid more invasive surgical procedures.
Post-Treatment Notes:
Your skin may turn red after the procedure as reaction to the heat, but most people see this subside within an hour. Due to the fact that it's extremely noninvasive, there is essentially no downtime.
Safety First:
Forma is safe for all skin types. Forma has a special thermal temperature sensor built into the handpiece allowing clinicians to acquire skin temperature in real-time. It features a “cut off temperature” feature that reduces RF energy automatically when the handpiece senses that the required skin temperature has been reached. Forma offers unprecedented safety of RF delivery. However, you should always discuss your skin concerns with your treatment provider.
Schedule a consultation with one of our aesthetic professionals to see if you are a candidate for Forma.
The Science Behind the Treatment:
"Split-face histological and biochemical evaluation of tightening efficacy using temperature- and impedance-controlled continuous non-invasive radiofrequency energy"
- Author: Sylvie Boisnic; Marc Divaris; Marie-Christine Branchet; and Andrew A. Nelson
- Technology: Forma
- Published Date: February 2017
- Publication: Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy
"A novel non-invasive radiofrequency dermal heating device for skin tightening of the face and neck"
- Author: Andrew A. Nelson, MD; David Beynet, MD; and Gary P. Lask, MD
- Technology: Forma
- Published Date: July 2015
- Publication: Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy
"Facial Skin Rejuvenation By Combination Treatment of IPL Followed By Continuous and Fractional Radiofrequency"
- Author: Michael H. Gold, MD; Julie A. Biron, BSc; and Whitney Sensing, LPN
- Technology: Fractora, Lumecca, Forma
- Published Date: June 2015
- Publication: Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy